SEH Based Buffer Overflow
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The purpose of this lab is to familiarize how Structured Exception Handler / SEH based buffer overflow exploits work.
Structured exception handling (SEH) is simply code in a program that is meant to handle situations when program throws an exception due to a hardware or software issue. This means catching those situations and doing something to resolve them;
SEH code is located on the program's stack for each try-catch
code block and each handler has its own stack frame;
memory structure (also called SEH record) consisting of two 4 byte fields:
pointer to the next SEH record within the SEH chain;
pointer to the exception handler code - the catch
part of the code block. This is the code that attempts to resolve the exception that the program threw;
A program may have multiple SEHs registered that are connected by a linked list, forming a SEH chain;
Once a program throws an exception, the OS runs through the SEH chain and attempts to find an appropriate exception handler;
If no suitable handler is found, a default OS handler is used from the bottom of the SEH chain. All SEH chains always end with a default Windows SEH record. Next SEH Record field point toFFFFFFFF
, which mean's that this is the last SEH record in the chain;
SEH chain is stored in the Thread Environment Block (TEB) memory structure in its first member called Thread Information Block (TIB), that can be accessed via FS segment register FS:[0x00]
64-bit applications are not vulnerable to SEH overflow as binaries are linked with safe exception handlers embedded in the PE file itself;
32-bit applications can be linked with /SAFESEH
flag, which will produce a PE file with a table of safe exception handlers, assuming all modules are compatible with safe execption handling feature.
Below is a simplified diagram visualising some of the key points outlined above:
Let's explore the key structures around SEH using WinDBG and confirm the key points mentioned in the SEH 101 section.
Thread Environment Block is a described in the OS as _TEB
memory structure and can be inspected in WinDBG like so:
As seen from the above screenshot, the TEB's first member is _NT_TIB
(Thread Information Block) memory structure, which can be inspected like so:
As mentioned earlier, the first member inside the _NT_TIB
structure is a pointer to _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD
memory structure, which is the first SEH record / head of the SEH chain (linked list) and can be inspected like so:
is a pointer to the next SEH record and the second member is a pointer to the exception handler that is defined in the _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION
memory structure.
We've learned about a couple of key memory structures, but now let's see how those structures look like when inspecting a real program that has some SEH records defined.
As noted earlier, SEH are the try
/ catch
code blocks in the program as shown below:
Let's compile the above program as seh-overflow.exe and inspect it with WinDBG again, this time with a !teb
We can see that _TEB
is located at 00a25000
and that the ExceptionList
/ head of the SEH chain is located at 00cff2cc
. From earlier, we said that this value could also be retrieved from the FS segment register fs:[0]
, so let's confirm that:
Let's check the start of the SEH chain at 00cff2cc
like so:
From this point theExceptionList
address changed from 00cff2cc
to 00cff274
due to the deugging program being restarted. This may happen multiple time throughout the labs.
Below gif demonstrates how we can get the address of the head of the SEH chain with !teb
command and by inspecting the ExceptionList
. We can then walk through all the registered SEH records in the SEH chain and observe how the last SEH record indicates that the next SEH records is at 0xffffffff
: (meaning, it is actually the last record and there's no next SEH record in the chain):
Note, however, that these SEH records are the exception handlers defined in the ntdll and not in our compiled binary:
In order to see the SEH records defined by our program, we need it to execute the try
/ catch
code block that we have in the main()
function. Let's see the CPU instructions at our program's entry point:
At this point, I do not know what the deal is with all the jmps, but let's try setting a breakpoint at 00e1911d
(2nd jmp
instruction), right after the first jmp
at 00e19118
and continue with execution:
Let's now see where the SEH head is at:
We can now see that the start of the SEH chain has changed and is at 00bbfb2c
, so let's check the first SEH record:
The exception handler for the first SEH record is at 0x00e220f0
. Let's see which module it belongs to:
The above image confirms that 0x00e220f0
is inside our seh-overflow.exe image and we're inspecting the SEH chain from our seh-overflow.exe.
WinDBG has a command to explore SEH chains !exchain
We can also easily discover SEH records using xdbg by inspecting the SEH tab as shown below:
Below shows how SEH records 1 to 4 (right) are organized on the program's stack (left):
If we updated our very first diagram showing where SEH chain is located and how it looks like with actual memory addresses, it would now look like this:
Note that the exception handler at 0x00e220f0
, when we identified it previously using WinDbg after executing the first jmp
inside the seh-overflow.exe entry point, was the first SEH record in the chain, however, inspecting the SEH chain in xdbg, we can see that the handler 0x00e220f0
actually belongs to the second SEH record, which suggests that executing the first jmp
was not enough to set up the full SEH chain. That, however, does not prevent us from moving this lab further into the exploitation phase, but it's just something to note if you're playing along.
We're going to be exploiting the R 3.4.4 on a 32-bit Windows 10 system.
The following exploitation steps will not be detailed, since they can be found in my other notes:
Identifying the SEH record overwrite offset - see Finding EIP offset;
Identifying bad characters for the shellcode - see Finding bad characters.
Let's open RGUI.exe in xdbg and hit F9 as many times as we need in order to get the program's GUI to show up:
Let's generate some garbage data that we will send to the RGUI in order to confirm we can crash it:
Open the RGUI configuration editor and paste the garbage data generated into the "Language for menus and messages" input box as shown and click OK and then OK once more:
At this point, looking at xdbg, we can confirm the program crashed and is vulnerable to a classic buffer overflow as we were able to overwrite the EIP register with our AAAA (0x41414141):
More, importantly, however, we confirm that the program is also vulnerable to the SEH overflow by inspecting the SEH chain tab:
Note from above screenshot that the first SEH record was overwritten in the following manner:
SEH record's handler address was overwritten (red);
Pointer to the next SEH record was also overwritten (green).
As the next step, we need to find an offset at which we can overwrite the SEH record.
When a user supplied input is sent to a program vulnerable with a buffer overflow vulnerability, the stack is overwritten from lower memory addresses towards higher memory addresses.
We also know that SEH records are stored on the stack and each one is an 8 byte memory structure that contains:
Pointer to the next SEH record;
Exception handler for the current SEH record.
Based on the above, in order to confirm the SEH record offset, we should generate a dummy payload that is structured like so:
Following the Finding EIP offset technique, we identity that the SEH record offset into the stack is 1012
Based on all of the above, our payload for testing, if we can correctly overwrite the SEH record (its pointer to the next SEH record and current SEH record's handler), should now look like this:
Let's create the above payload:
...and send it to the vulnerable program and see if we can overwrite the SEH record, located at 0141e768
Note the SEH record address 0141e768
- this is the record we will be overwriting and it will become very important when trying to understand how to force the vulnerable program to jump to our shellcode.
From the above screenshote we can see that we can overwrite the SEH record correctly:
43434343 (CCCC) is the exception handler for the current SEH record;
42424242 (BBBB) is the address of the next SEH record;
Next, we will need to find a memory address in the vulnerable program that contains pop pop ret
gadget. Let's see why we need this ROP gadget - hint: so that we can jump to the next SEH record in the chain, that we in fact can control, from which we can jump to the shellcode.
Useful notes about ROP gadgets:
Let's send 1012*A
to the vulnerable program and upon crashing it, inspect the SEH chain:
Note the first SEH record is at address 0141E768
and its handler is at 76275680
Again, it is important to remember / realize that we control/can overwrite the SEH record at 0141e768
Let's set a breakpoint on the handler at 76275680
, continue execution until that breakpoint is hit, then inspect the SEH chain and the stack's contents:
Once the breakpoint is hit at 76275680
, we can see that the address 0141E768
, which is the address of the next SEH record (which we control) is on the stack and it's just 3 values below the top of the stack. This means that if we could overwrite the current SEH record's 0141E768
handler, currently pointing to 76275680
, to a memory address that contains pop pop ret
instructions, we could transfer the program's execution control to 0141E768
(a SEH record that we control) and from there, execute our shellcode. We will test this in a moment.
To find memory addresses containing pop pop ret
instructions, we can search all modules for a bytes pattern 5f 5d c3
that translates to pop edi; pop ebp; ret
Any other byte pattern that translates to pop pop ret
should work too.
There are multiple results found as shown below. Let's chose the first one that contains executable instructions at 0x637412c8
and set a breakpoint on it by hitting F2:
We now know that our payload should look like this:
So wen can start building our python exploit skeleton as shown below:
will create payload.txt
with our payload, which when sent to the RGUI, will overflow the SEH record and overwrite it in the following way:
The next SEH record will contain the bytes 42 4F 4F 4D
, representing the string BOOM
The current SEH handler will point to 0x637412c8
that contains pop pop ret
Below shows the payload.txt
file contents:
Let's send that payload to the RGUI:
Note from the above gif the key points:
Once the program crashes with an exception and we continue running the program (F9), we hit our breakpoint at 0x637412c8
that contains the pop pop ret
Once pop pop
instructions are executed, ret
instruction pops off the top topmost value0141E768
from the stack, which is the SEH record we control, and jumps to it;
Once execution jumps to 0141E768
, we see that first four instructions are actually are the bytes 42 4f 4f 4d
that represent our string BOOM
, which means that at this point we have subverted the code execution flow and can start thinking about executing our shellcode.
We're now ready to start suplementing our payload with shellcode. Our payload should now look like this:
Let's modify our exploit skeleton to include some shellcode that pops a calculator:
...and send it to RGUI. Observe the crash, continue running the program until the breakpoint at 0x637412c8
is hit and inspect the memory at 0141E768
, where our SEH record, that we've just overflowed, lives. This is where we will jump to after the pop pop ret
instructions will complete at 0x637412c8
From the above screenshot, we can derive the following key point - once we land on 0141E768
(red zone), which contains the 4 bytes representing our string BOOM
, we need to jump over to our shellcode in the blue zone.
We need to replace the BOOM
string in our exploit code (which represents the address of the next SEH record) with a simple relative short jmp
instruction that jumps 6 bytes further into the code. The instuction can be encoded using the following bytes eb 06
. Additionally, since the jmp
instruction is only 2 bytes, we'd need to supplement it with 2 NOP bytes to ensure the exploit reliability. So, BOOM
should be replaced with bytes eb 06 90 90
like so:
Note that even though we say we're jumping over 6 bytes into the code, but in fact, we are jumping over 8 bytes, because the jmp
instruction itself is 2 bytes, so therefore 2+6=8. Essentially, we are jumping over the SEH record itself after which our shellcode lives.
Our payload visually should now look like this:
Let's see the full updated exploit code now:
Let's send the payload to RGUI and observe the stack once the payload is sent to the program:
Below gif captures the full exploitation process:
From above screenshot, note the following key points:
Once we're at 0141E768
, relative short jmp + 6
jumps to the start of our NOP
sled at 0141E770
sled takes us to the start of our shellcode at 0141E77A
Once we hit F9 to resume execution, the shellcode is successfully executed and the calc is popped.
We can summarize that SEH overflow exploitation at a high level works as shown in the below diagram:
Payload makes the program throw an exception;
SEH handler kicks in, which has been overwritten with a memory address in the program that contains pop pop ret
Pop pop ret
instructions make the program jump to the next SEH record, which is overwritten with a short relative jump to the shellcode;
Shellcode is executed.
We can update the above diagram with memory addresses that we observed in this lab like so: